Varieties of Dates

Medjool Dates

A single serving of dates has more than 6 grams of fiber, which makes them a fantastic snack for your digestive health. 

Halawy Dates are an extremely sweet type of date with a chewy soft texture that melts into the mouth upon biting. 

Halawy Dates

Zahidi dates are extremely delicious, chewy, soft, and creamy with low sugar content.

Zahidi Dates

Ajwa dates are considered the "Holy Fruit" in Islamic tradition and have been recognized by scientific research for their high nutritional value.

Ajwa Dates

Maktoom al Maktoum Dates are reddish-brown dates and have a decent taste.If you do not want your dates to be overly sweet, then Maktoom is the best date fruit for you.

Maktoon Dates

Ajwa dates are considered the "Holy Fruit" in Islamic tradition and have been recognized by scientific research for their high nutritional value.

Khudri Dates